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Why You Shouldn’t Be Embarrassed to Visit the Dentist

October 29, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysaginaw @ 2:04 am
Embarrassed woman

There are many different reasons that people refrain from getting the essential dental care they desperately need. For some, it is a busy schedule, and for others, it is a fear of the cost of treatment. Another common reason is because some people get embarrassed at the dentist due to the state of their smile. Continue reading to learn some reasons why you shouldn’t feel embarrassed to go to the dentist, even if your smile isn’t in the best shape.


Why You Should Get a Dental Crown Before the End of the Year

October 14, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysaginaw @ 1:32 am
Dental crown

Has your dentist told you that you need a dental crown? If you’re putting it off because of fear of cost or just wanting to wait till the holiday season comes to an end, this isn’t the best idea. The truth is that getting it done now could save you money due to dental insurance reasons, and you could be avoiding both invasive and costly procedures in the future. Continue reading to learn about why your dentist is recommending that you get it now and how you could save money in the process.
