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10 Fascinating Facts About Your Teeth

June 19, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysaginaw @ 4:31 pm
Illustration of teeth in Fort Worth, including cross-section

If your teeth are healthy, it can be easy to take them for granted. They are there to help you chew, smile, and speak with ease. But how much do you actually know about teeth in Fort Worth? Learning about them can help you appreciate them more and may motivate you to take the best possible care of them. Here are 10 fascinating facts about teeth.

1.     They Are Unique

No two people have exactly the same teeth — not even identical twins. This is why dental records are sometimes used to help identify human remains.

2.     They Are More than What Meets the Eye

The top part of your teeth, which you normally see above the gumline, is called the crown. The bottom third of your teeth, which is hidden beneath the gumline and anchored in your jawbone, is called the root. The roots of your teeth are essential for their overall health, so it is vital that you take good care of the tissue around them, including your gums.

3.     You Have 32 of Them… Possibly

An average adult has 32 teeth, including their wisdom teeth. However, some people’s genetics bestow them with more or fewer pearly whites.

4.     Tooth Enamel Is the Hardest Substance in Your Body

Tooth enamel comes in at around a 5 on the Mohs hardness scale, which makes it approximately as hard as steel.

5.     Tooth Enamel Is Also Vulnerable

Although tooth enamel is incredibly hard, it is also rather brittle, which means it can break if it is exposed to enough force. It can also get worn away by acids, including those that are produced by bacteria in your mouth if you eat too much sugar.

6.     Yellow Teeth Might Signal a Problem

Enamel is naturally a somewhat white color, but the layer beneath it (the dentin) is yellow. If your teeth are noticeably yellow, it might mean that your enamel is becoming thinner, allowing the dentin to become more visible.

7.     Dentin Is Dynamic

Tooth enamel is considered static; it doesn’t grow, and it can’t make significant repairs to itself. Dentin, on the other hand, changes throughout your life.

8.     Your Mouth Is Full of Bacteria

The human mouth can have 200 – 300 types of bacteria in it at any given time. Most of the bacteria are harmless or even helpful, but some species contribute to plaque and gum disease.

9.     Plaque Leads to Decay

Plaque is a sticky film that contains acid-producing bacteria. It continually forms on your teeth, so it is vital that you remove it through twice-daily brushing and once-daily flossing. If plaque stays on your teeth for too long, it hardens into tartar, which requires the help of a preventive dentist to remove.

10.  Saliva Keeps Your Smile Healthy

The average person produces about 10,000 gallons of saliva throughout their lifetime. Saliva moistens the mouth and contains minerals that help to strengthen your teeth.

Your teeth are amazing! Hopefully, the information in this article has helped you to grow in appreciation for your precious smile.

Meet the Dentist

Dr. Rupeshwar Renkuntla is the leader of the team at Saginaw Dental. He has nearly two decades of experience, and he is always happy to answer patients’ questions about their teeth and oral health. If you would like to learn how he may be able to serve you, contact our practice at 817-989-2832.

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